I hear it time and time again. “My horse doesn’t need to see a chiropractor, he just needs more training.” “He doesn’t need to see the vet for x-rays he’s already on a joint supplement”. Or “ I don’t think he needs that supplement, he was better today”.
Clients!! We trainers are not trying to take or spend your money frivolously. We are riding your horse every day. We are basically becoming intimate with that horse. We see his ups and downs. We feel when something isn’t right and we feel when something is truly just a behavior problem. We cannot train through pain!!! Read! That! Again!!
Generally a behavioral problem will disappear within a reasonable amount of time.
A pain problem will be consistent no matter what. Your trainer is spending an exorbitant amount of time with that horse and we desperately want to try to help that horse meet your goals.
But if we feel that something is in the way of causing us to help you meet those goals and we suggest either the vet, chiropractor, massage or extra supplements we are not just saying those to hear ourselves talk. We are saying those things because we feel that that would benefit your horse in order to make them feel better so they can complete the job they need to do.
You don’t like to work when you have a bad headache or back ache. Neither does your horse! And since they cannot talk and tell you where they hurt exactly, sometimes a process of elimination is needed to find out what is wrong. Yes! Horses are expensive!!! Read!! That!! Again!!
So clients, please bear with us trainers and listen to our suggestions as we work with whatever specialist or supplement your horse needs in order to find out what is going on with them whether it be emotional or physical in order to help us help them be the best horse they can be for you! We want you and your horse to succeed!!! Read! That! Again!