Naomi has a unique ability to figure out the why and the how of a horse's behavior to help each horse reach its full potential. She sees each horse individually and customizes a training program to fit their needs.
Naomi ensures the horse's emotional and physical well-being are always kept at the forefront of her training programs. With specialization in building relationships and connections with horses and riders, Naomi's training programs are strengthened through an understanding of biomechanics, liberty work and her ability to read and respond to a horse's emotional state. Additionally, with each horse she works with, Naomi develops relationships and connections that transfer with the horse and its owner.
Explore Naomi's custom training programs and see which one is right for you and your horse.

Horses in this program will learn the principles of steering, preparing for neck reining, consistency in biomechanics, and maneuver correctness.
Basic Ground Work + Saddle Prep Program
60 Days
This program is for horses that need basic ground manners, saddle prep and body conditioning. Horses in this program will learn the much-needed foundation to transition over to under saddle work, learn the basics in order to become a good citizen in society and how to begin strengthening their core muscles so they can better perform the tasks required of them when started under saddle.
This program is mainly designed with the young horse in mind but can fit an older horse’s needs if there are holes in the foundation training. Naomi's Leading for Connection techniques will be the primary foundation and then will branch off in whatever direction is needed.
Horses in this program will learn basics such as but not limited to: tying, picking up feet, trailer loading, desensitization, longlining and obstacle training. Relaxation and connection is encouraged at all times with the horse’s best interest at heart!

REstart Program
90 Days
This program is for the horse that maybe got started off on the wrong foot , is dealing with behavioral issues or had a bad experience under saddle and needs to be restarted.
This program also fits the older horse that might have missed out on its riding education earlier in life and needs to be started under saddle.
Horses in this program will mostly follow the colt starting program but with more attention being paid to the horse's emotional wellbeing.
In this program, Naomi will be focusing on how to retrain the horse's negative memories and replace them with new positive ones by using emotional horsemanship methods, postural biomechanics work and some R+ when the situation calls for it.
Young Horse Development Program
90 Days
This is Naomi's colt starting program. Young horses entering this program must already have basic handling such as leading, tying, picking up feet and be able to be caught and haltered. If they cannot do these basics, please see my Basic Groundwork and Saddle Prep Program above as strong basics are very important to a successful riding experience.
A solid foundation is the primary goal of this program. Horses enrolled in this program will focus on biomechanics to help build core muscles and prepare them to carry a rider.
Early in this program, your horse will be long-lined extensively to help prepare for steering, stopping and basic collection principles under saddle.
Once the foundation is built, your horse will begin their riding career. Young horses will be able to walk, trot and canter under saddle following the completion of this program.
They will have a solid stop, back and basic body control such as hip and shoulder control and collection basics.
During this program, young horses will also have exposure to outdoor riding and trails when weather permits and the horse is ready.
This program is built upon reining principles. Naomi promotes consistency, softness, and relaxation during her training sessions, with the horse's physical, mental and emotional health always at the forefront.
This program is designed to bring each young horse along at their own pace to help ensure a safer and less strenuous learning environment.
Upon finishing this program, there is availability for the horse to continue advancement into training per invitation and owner's request.

Advanced Finishing +
90 Days
This program is designed with a trained horse in mind. Horses coming in for this program need to already be started under saddle and have a solid walk, trot and canter.
Horses in this program will learn continued education and finesse work, building upon an already solid foundation. They will begin to learn the principles of steering and preparing for neck reining, more consistency in biomechanics and maneuver correctness and they will learn to start using their body to maintain collection.
This program can also become more diverse to help prepare the horse for whatever their job might be such as trail riding, reining, ranch riding and many others.
Horses in this program may extend their training time per invitation only.