One of the biggest issues I see people having with cantering on the lunge line is the horse is completely in dysfunction biomechanically. The horse is fishtailing horribly with their hindquarters, pulling on the lunge line, cross firing, falling to the inside, etc.
We want to help the horse learn to stand up and canter correctly. So if you have access to a round pen, you can utilize the fence to help stand so they don’t lean and twist their spine or fishtail.
If you don’t have a round pen, I will utilize a wall or corner in my arena to help that horse learn to stand themselves up going into the lead departure. Yes, the horse may fall apart once he gets past the wall but that’s ok. Just let him break back down to the trot and when you get around to the wall again, ask for the canter again.
The wall helps balance the horse going into the canter so they don’t feel the need to rush, crossfire or pull on the lunge line.
Teaching the horse to balance at the canter takes time and shouldn’t be rushed.
It should be a beautiful process to watch,
enjoy, and participate in.