Commitment, Communication and Connection!

These are the 3 things I think are essential to building a relationship with your horse.
Commitment-In order to have any kind of consistency, we need to be committed. We need to work when the tough times come. We need to see experiences through even though it’s hard. We need to have priorities and stick with them. We can’t be wishful-washy and we can’t only work when the sun shines. Commitment shows action not just words.
Communication-I think this is a tough one for a lot of people. In order to have a good relationship, we need to be able to communicate effectively to our horses, to our peers, and to our trainers.
We need to set an intention and follow through with it. We need to be aware of our actions and our behavior around others and our horses. Many times I see people completely unaware of what they are doing and then seeing how it affects their horse.
Or seeing people requesting something of their horse that really makes no sense to the horse at all. We need to have clear communication in order to achieve a lasting relationship
Connection-Everyone wants to have a connection with their horse. Yet people fail to do the two things I mentioned above.
Connection comes from having clear communication and staying committed and consistent. We need to spend time with our horses noticing them and noticing their behaviors. We need to show our awareness of them and of their needs.
We need to work with kindness and compassion. Connection develops from not just time spent, but more importantly how the time is spent. If our intentions are honest, kind and clear; connection will develop in its own time.